Children of the Snow Land tells the emotional story of a group of children born in the High Himalayas of Nepal. From just four years old, some children are sent by their parents to a school in Kathmandu in the hope that education will give them a better chance in life. For ten years or more they do not see or speak to their parents, due to the remoteness of their villages.
Now upon graduation, aged 16, Jeewan, Nima and Tsering Deki are making their trek home: an arduous and lengthy journey across mountains that takes them to the highest inhabited place on the planet. Amid an earthquake strike, and with so much time having passed, the reunions are not all as expected…
"Wonderfully touching" FINANCIAL TIMES
"Exceptionally beautiful" THE UPCOMING
"Gently moving" THE GUARDIAN
"Big-hearted" TIME OUT
"Remarkable" THE TIMES
Director Marcus Stephenson | Zara Balfour
Producer Mayfly TV | Picture On The Wall
Distribution Dartmouth Films | Screened at Curzon cinemas UK-wide
Awards BIFA Discovery Award | Nominated for Grierson Award | Best International Documentary (Doc LA 2018) | Best Feature Documentary (I Will Tell 2018) | Best Documentary (London Independent Film Festival 2018) | Best Documentary (Victoria Film Festival 2019)
Year 2018
Duration 90’